Sunday, March 2, 2008

Rio Dulce

I woke up for my bus around 1.50AM, even though the bus is at 4AM, once you're up, one can't safely sleep and not worry about overslept. Luckily I got enough dozing on the 12 hours bus journey to make up some of the lost sleep of the last 3 days. I woke Stephanie up by accident, I drop my lip balm on the wooden floor, and I told her I really hope to see her in Tikal.

Anyway I arrived in Rio Dulce in cloudy and showery weather. The town looked dirty and first place I looked for a room, it looked bad, so I decided to go with a dorm in another place instead of a private room.

My decision to stay only 2 nights here turn out to be a good decision as there were not much to do here and things are expensive. I will leave for Tikal on the first bus out to there Monday morning at 8.

This morning I signed up for a boat cruise down the Rio Dulce to Livingston on the Caribbean coast. The sun was out and so the journey was nice. I had lunch in Livingston, seafood of course. I was with Eric, my dormmate originally from South Africa, but now lives with his parents in New Mexico, he is taking time out between high school and college to travel in Latin America. He bought some pot on the street, that's too bad for him. We met a couple Ken and Dottie on the boat from California, who are taking a break from real estate bust (they are agents) and are traveling around by their boat (see extra credit section on their trip). They docked their boat in El Salvador, and just riding their motorcycle for some days on land, before they set sail again.

Apparently Rio Dulce is the safest place to be for a boat when Hurricane hit according to US Coast Guard. There are many expensive looking sail boats here. As result many riverside bungalows/lodges. Parts of the river/lake are national park or refuge. There are manatees in lower section of the river.

Anyway, I am looking forward to Tikal, and may be seeing Stephanie again.


Anonymous said...

Get picture of stephanie posted!!

Betty said...

Sounds like Stephanie is a hottie given you've mentioned her so many times...I sense a love connection, he he :) oui oui...