Sunday, March 23, 2008

Merida Fiestas

Today started with full of sunshine. I plan to stay in town the whole day because I need to checkout of my hostel by noon. O a little about the Nomadas hostel. It is a pretty cool hostels, rooms are decent and clean, and so are the bathrooms. They offer a lot of travel information, like do yourself tours, bus schedules (although some are a bit off). And best of all they have quiet hours at 11PM. Only problem is that there are tons of mosquitoes in the room so one need to put bug spray on face or cover it with the bed sheet. I did not know the first night and got bitten few times in the face. They offer bag store for $1.5 that includes a locker, and use of the facility (shower and bathroom). BTW, I went to the grocery store yesterday and got some fruits, drink and snacks. And I noticed an old guy (working for the hostel) drunk my grape fruit juice that was in fridge, even though it clear stated on the door, eat your own food!

Today Sunday (Happy Easter Everyone) is Merida en Domingo (Merida on Sunday), and you guessed, more fiesta that goes from 9 to 9. More street closing near the main plaza with live music, dancing, handicraft and food. They said it is continuation of the last night's festival. Despite the couple days of bad weather, Merida is a cool city to rest a bit and doing day trips from it. But I am looking forward to Palenque and my last set of Mayan ruins. I think I am ready for something different after that.

Ever since I have been arrived in Merida, I have been eyeing an all you can eat seafood buffet for around $10. Today I final went for it. After many days or weeks of small diet, I felt my tummy was able to burst. Anyway I'll have a small dinner tonight before my bus ride.

I bought some old Mexican currency (paper money) as well as a silver Mexican coin. It will be a nice addition to my collection. After lunch I went back to see if I can find more to buy, but the vendor had left.

Anyway I spend my day visiting the festival, break with Internet, food, and a shower. I am pretty much packed, so just passing time before bus ride.


Anonymous said...

You are coming home soon..... Make sure to decontaminate yourself! :)

How was the seafood buffet?

Jonathan said...

I know, I got all kind of tropic insect bits, cough, and who knows what else. I'll make sure I spread the wealth when I get back :)

Seafood buffet was good, for $10 you can't expect lobster, crab legs, etc :)

Jenifer Bubenik said...


I will let you know that the mosquitoes and pests are worse or Caye Caulker then inland. They are eating everyone up here; these little sand flies. If the locals were smart they would sell mosquito nets instead of crappy jewelry. Hope you are well. I love your blog.

Jonathan said...

Some tour compay person in Honduras, for sand flies one needs to put on baby oil, so you put on bug repellent first, baby oil, and then sun screen! I agree the island mosquitoes probably lot worst