Monday, February 4, 2008

A lay back weekend

This past weekend, I did not do much sightseeing as mentioned in my earlier email. Friday and Saturday nights I hang out with David and some of his friends from volunteering job as well as few others from the school. We had some drinks at the local hang outs for expats and shared some travel stories.

On Saturday, I visited my teacher's house and saw her collection of cups, coins, key chains. She offered a new type fruit I never tried before. She have a independent student from Louisiana, and also offers private tour from her house. She has a maid at her house I think. She invited me back in the late afternoon walk to the Rio Copan later in the day, where the live in student joined us. We ended in a farm by the river where her husband worked. They grows chili, tomatoes, and in some year tobacco.

On Sunday morning David and I went to check out nearby Chorti Mayan village in the pine forest outside of the town. The Mayan lady showed up how to make a common pottery and we're trying our best to mold our clay to look like hers - you be the judge as to see if we were successful or not. The family (they have 2 children) offered us coffee which they grow along with maize bread, which they also grow. they had a cat, and it loves the bread, it is first cat I ever know that loves to eat bread. Then the guide and driver had us go back to the car and we're heading back toward town without doing a tortilla making session. He told us that the family does not do tortilla on Sunday! I was a bit pissed for paying for a full tour and only getting half of what is promised. David told me to forget about. So I reluctantly just walk away. David decided to go to the nearby Hacienda San Lucas, but I decide it was too hot now and waited later in the afternoon.

Around lunch time, Oto's sister and her two daughters from near Agua Caliente drop by to celebrate the birthday of their older daughter with a lunch in town. They came back with a local famous cake that is made with 3 kind of milk - regular, condensed, and may be evaporated. Very rich! I offered to take their pictures - what do you think of the sisters :)

Around dinner time, a mother and child from Quebec Provence came to the house with some conflicting information about non-existing school here in Copan, but with Oto's family address. After the directora from the school came, everything was sorted out, and mother and daughter were on their way to a different host family near town center. They are having a shortage of teachers at this moment, so David got bump off for at least a week or two - he is ready for a break to catch up and review.

I did goto the Hacienda in the afternoon, not a bad walk, and view, talked to a couple from Great Britain as well as an American from California who seems to be very rude - I got the brush off when I asked her what area of Hollywood were she working in - she replied with I am not here to talk about my work, and I want to enjoy the bird singing in the woods....

And finally yes, I did watch the Super Bowl, about last 10 minute or so, in a bar/restaurant (big screen TV, but sound was off - music playing). Not a bad game.


Linda Wang said...

I love your photos!! So jealous of your trip ...

Jonathan said...

Everyone can do a trip like this!